About Us

Hi! I’m Melissa.

I’m a sometime actress from London, now living in Kent, with my partner Robert and my son, River, who was born right at the start of Lockdown 1.0.

River & Six is my second baby. Starting out as a blog (www.fckimaparent.co.uk), where I could post rants and thought pieces (mostly about the press, smashing gender norms, and body image), the site quickly grew into a place for me to share my journey through parenthood, body positivity, lockdown, and more. A champion of UK mama owned small businesses, I love connecting my strong and loyal online following with brands, while giving them an unfiltered look into my life and parenting, through my honest and judgement free posts.

The shop was borne of my struggle to find clothes for my son, River, that weren’t either heavily gendered, babyish, or fussy. I designed a small range of simple items that could be worn with anything, sticking to just black or white garments and very limited colour palette- before realising that I felt a little left out. So, I created matching equivalents for myself and my husband, Robert, either to be worn all together, or on our own. And the response was so great, that I decided to share them.

I love twinning with River, but I didn’t want that cheesy family photo feel. I wanted to create clothes that could be worn individually without needing the context of an entirely separate garment (you won’t be finding any “I’m With Stupid” t-shirts here!). I also wanted to design pieces that could be worn with any outfit, trend, style, or mood. Perhaps under a leather jacket or tucked into a flowery skirt, on the beach pulled over your costume as you Baywatch-style run out of the sea, hurriedly worn with leggings doing the weekly shop with no makeup and unwashed hair- as understated or as loud as you feel.